Chemical and Biological Engineering at Koç University is a discipline built on the fields of engineering, chemistry, biology and mathematics. The integration of the biology with chemical engineering creates a wide range of research outcomes for the benefit of humanity. This integration also creates employment opportunities for chemical and biological engineering graduates in the industry. Our mission includes educating the next generation of Chemical-Biological Engineers in the broad areas of energy, biotechnology, catalysis, polymers, material science, computer modeling, process control and drug design.
Our objectives are
- Preparing graduates for technical careers related to chemical and biological engineering with strong skills in problem solving, leadership, teamwork, and communication,
- Preparing graduates with breadth and depth to pursue post-graduate education in engineering or other professional fields.
- Preparing graduates as critical and creative thinkers, innovators and entrepreneurs, who can apply their engineering skills to address the needs of society and community at large.
- Preparing graduates to become leaders and managers using their analytical skills, broad background, and understanding of contemporary issues and ethical responsibility.